You know sometimes I have doubts… That’s right, why should I keep on learning new stuff ? I already have 3 different one-woman shows of 80 minutes + 1 show of one hour for kids + 1 show of 1 hour in English + 4 different shows of 90 minutes with my dad… so why ?
You see I have a tendency to relax on what I have… and stay like this… but… there is ALWAYS a “but” in life… why do singers go on creating new records… you’ll answer me “for the money !!!” but I think not only ! There are invisible forces that push us forward.
I think we are made like this… once you go in an artistic field, you are always pushing yourself ahead… creativity of all genres lift you higher… this is a virtuous circle.
And you want to renew yourself as well… you want to shine brighter in front of audiences that know you !
And you want to stay young as well ! at least in your mind… I’m sure you have already heard : to keep your brain as young as possible: study a new language every 10 years. We are so lucky us magicians because we learn new “languages” all the time !
We learn new moves, new tricks, new subtilities, new versions of old tricks, new techniques or technologies that we have to stick to… we learn new vocabulary to include in our speeches in order for the audiences to identify with yourself…
For example, right now I am studying a new routine of cups and balls, to keep my brain working… new misdirection, new ways of moving that I am not used to at all ! My brain is heating up !!!
Also, I take some tricks I have invented a while ago and bring them to the taste of the day… changing moves and adapting to my nowadays way of thinking.
Everything is creating…
We have to keep up with the news, we have to keep up with fashion of all kinds… like now mentalism is BIG and you need to renew yourself and add this new possibility to your repertoire…
And we also need to re-invent ourselves with our changing bodies… I am not like I use to be when I was young ! Doing exercice, taking care of myself is not something for “others”… I have to lift weights !!! and I hate it !
But still, it is part of the game to keep learning.
I am often asked what is the best quality a magician should have, my answer is: “CURIOSITY”, without it, why would you bother seeing colleagues’ shows ? why would you see the latest novelty in Magic ? why would you read this article ?!!!!!!!!!!!
I have the luck and luxury to work with my Dad Dominique Duvivier… and it is completely his way of living… he has instilled me his passion for this Art, and for life in general…
What do I see with magicians surrounding me ? Magic keeps them young… that is so beautiful to witness the energy coming from it, always going further… My Dad always pushes me to go out of my comfort zone… I have to thank him for this.